Transport Of Luggage, Bycicles And Animals


Travellers may carry on board the train or bus, free of charge, one piece of luggage not exceeding 10 kg in weight and with maximum dimensions of 75x50x25 cm. Any additional piece of luggage beyond the individual allowance, with a maximum of two pieces per traveller, is subject to the payment of a standard fare ticket. Luggage must be transported in the designated spaces where available, without causing disturbance or damage to other passengers, without obstructing the service activities of the staff, and without damaging the vehicle. Luggage must always remain under the supervision of the traveller at all times. Ferrotramviaria is only liable for damage resulting from its own responsibility. Travellers are not allowed to bring dangerous or overly large items on board, as determined by the staff on duty. Their decision is final.

Luggage Transport to and from the Airport Stop

Travellers whose journey either originates from, or is destined for the Airport stop, may carry luggage on board the train for free, with a maximum of three pieces per person, without size and weight limitations and without additional costs only if they do not cause any disturbance or discomfort/damage to other passengers.