
Welcome to the page of consulting fees and purchasing of services of Ferrotramviaria SpA; from the left panel you can search the train and the bus race you need, display and choose the route and buy a ticket or subscription, also by self-service emittings, using cash, cash dispenser or credit card. The invoice for the purchase of tickets and passes can be requested, no later than the 12th day after the purchase, directly to gscarini@ferrovienordbarese.it, attaching a copy of the ticket and indicating all the information needed to issue the document (First name, Last name, address, tax code, VAT number if any, SDI code).
As for purchases made using the contact-less payment service "Paga e Via", the invoice can be requested by sending an email to gscarini@ferrovienordbarese.it, indicating all the information useful for issuing the document (Name, Surname, address, tax number, VAT number, SDI code, if any), and specifying the departure station, date, time and the last 4 digits of the card used for the purchase
Attached consult or download the document containing the tariffs in force, divided by railway and bus lines.
On route FM1 Bari Centrale-San Paolo there were adopted specific fares, like a metropolitan service, both for single tickets, one way ticket back, and for the monthly, weekly and yearly subscriptions. Therefore, on route FM1 there are not valid tickets issued for bus rides Bari Sud-San Paolo.
Travelers who use the grant must fill out a preliminary declaration request (Mod. ACT.24.02) distributed near the ticket offices and authorized outlets, below this page as well as near the Executive Office, in order to allow the inclusion of personal data in the list of beneficiaries. It's important that the declaration form is filled out by the person entitled in its entirety, in order to allow the necessary checks.