

In line with the goals of safeguarding traveller satisfaction, Ferrotramviaria commits to ensuring the broadest protection of users in the event of complaints, observations, and requests regarding the services offered, and to providing forms of refund or compensation following any service disruptions and irregularities found during service provision.

Please remember that for a complaint to be considered, it must include at least:

a) Identifying details of the user (name, surname, contact information) and of any representative, attaching in this case the proxy and an identity document of the user.

b) Identifying details of the journey made or planned (date, departure time, origin, and destination) and of the transport contract (ticket number) or a copy of the travel document.

c) A description of the service discrepancy noted with respect to one or more requirements defined by European or national regulations or by the service charter.

For all cases requiring a response, the Company will provide a written reply to the parties concerned promptly and, in any case, within no more than 30 days from the date of the company protocol. If these deadlines are exceeded without a response, the traveller may contact the Transport Regulation Authority (via Nizza 230, 70126 - Turin; and/or undertake out-of-court resolution procedures for disputes. Furthermore, if the Company fails to respond to the complaint within ninety days, an automatic compensation is provided to the customer. The user is entitled to receive automatic compensation proportional to the price of the purchased ticket/subscription, not less than:

a) 10% if the response is provided between the ninety-first and the one-hundred-twentieth day from receipt of the complaint;

b) 20% if the response is not provided within the one-hundred-twentieth day from receipt of the complaint.



  • In person, at the General Transport Management in Piazza Aldo Moro n. 50/B - Bari, by delivering the communication by hand to the Customer Relations Office, open on weekdays from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
  • By calling the number 080 5299348, Customer Relations Office, open on weekdays from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
  • By fax to the number 080 5235480
  • By ordinary mail to the address:

FERROTRAMVIARIA Spa - Northern Bari Railways and Bus Lines


Customer Relations Office

Piazza Aldo Moro n. 50/B - 70122 BARI

  • By email by sending an email to

  • Online by using and/or downloading the forms available on the company website

  • By using the “Ferrotramviaria SpA” App for mobile devices with Android or Apple (iOS) operating systems, clicking on the Contacts/Reports icon.





In order to take consideration of the complaint, you need to supply personal information and address. For all cases that require a response, the Company will pay attention to interested parties, in writing, promptly and within a period of time not exceeding 30 days from the date of the company protocol.


Elenco allegati