Corsa Semplice O A/r - Servizi Irregolari


Reasons for requesting compensation.

In case of irregular services, due to non-fulfilments attributable to Ferrotramviaria, where a delay in arrival at the final destination of the journey greater than 60 minutes is foreseeable, if the Customer has not requested a refund according to the rules reported in the specific chapter and has continued the journey to the final destination, as soon as possible, with any substitute bus services provided or with the first useful service, or by following an alternative route without paying the possible price difference, in accordance with Regulation EC No. 1371/2007, compensation for delay is recognized as:

  • 25% of the price of the simple journey ticket for a delay between 60 and 119 minutes.
  • 50% of the price of the simple journey ticket for a delay equal to or greater than 120 minutes.

To obtain compensation, the ticket must be validated not only at the place of departure but also at the place of arrival.

  • For round-trip (A/R) tickets, the compensation, in case of delay on the outward or return leg, is calculated, in the percentages specified above, with respect to half the full price of the ticket.
  • For subscription/season ticket holders, compensation is calculated, in the percentages specified above, with respect to the daily share of the full subscription price.